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973 人参与  2023-09-22 06:43:46  分类 :会计高级答案


以“苹果落地的联想”为题材的苹果图形创意 苹果落地,牛顿发现万有引力。而你会想到什么?

1、延伸 保持目标对象——香蕉的基本造型不变,用加法的形式进行“香蕉与生命”的主题性创意。

2、改变 保持目标对象——雨伞的基本特征不变,用形象替代的手法,创造出象形意义的雨伞。

下列函数中,可作为某个随机变量的分布函数的是( )

佛祖本名悉达多•乔答摩,是大约公元前6世纪到公元5世纪之间印度迦毗罗卫国的王子,这一时期印度的社会背景是促进他创立佛教的原因之一,请问以下哪一项不是佛教形成时期的主要社会背景 ?
























下列化合物中,属于(r)-乳酸对映体的是( )。

考察下面结构式: 这两种化合物互为( )。

下列化合物具有旋光性的是( )。

下列化合物具有旋光性的是( )。

下列哪个结构式是化合物 (1r,2r)-1,2-二苯基-2-氯乙醇?






下列化合物中不含sp3 杂化碳原子的是()。

按照lewis酸碱理论,下列物质中碱性最强的是( )。



下列有机物中,具有酸碱两性的化合物的是( )。






图示化合物名称为:(e)- 2- 己烯



图示化合物命名为:5-甲基-1,3- 环己二烯

图示化合物命名为:(3r,5s)-1,1- 二甲基-3-氯-5-碘环己烷

图示化合物命名为:(2s,3e)-3-乙基-4-苯基-2- 氯-3-己烯

环己-4-烯-1,3-二醇 的结构式为:


(r)-4-甲基-1,3- 环己二酮 的结构式为:


图示化合物命名为:乙酸-2- 羧基苯酯



图示化合物应命名为:o,o- 二乙基-o-(4-硝基苯基)磷酸酯

6-羟基-3-吡啶甲酰胺 结构式应当为

下列哪种是1,2-二氯乙烷的优势构象( )?

链状烷烃的稳定构象为( )。



下列烷基自由基中稳定性最大的是( )。

下列哪种环烷烃分子内张力最大( ).

环己烷构象中能量最低的为( )

下列哪种为反-1-甲基-2-叔丁基环己烷的优势构象( ).

顺-1-甲基-2-乙基环己烷的优势构象为( ).












以下几种共价键中,极性最强的是( )

以下哪种不属于有机反应中常见的中间体( )

b、c、h、n、o等 5种原素的电负性由大到小排序正确的为()

以下哪种物质不属于生命体内常见的有机物种类( )

有机化学研究的基本对象是( )

下列物质中,有芳香性的是( )。

2. 下列物质中,发生亲电取代反应活性最慢的是( )。

下列化合物最容易发生傅—克酰基化反应的是( )。

下列化合物发生亲电取代活性最高的是( )。

下列芳香化合物发生硝化时,主要得到间位产物的是( )。





苯酚在室温下可与饱和溴水很快反应生产白色沉淀。( )


下列化合物与hbr发生亲电加成时尊循反马氏规则的是( )。

下列4-甲基-1,3-戊二烯被o3氧化后还原水解,选项中哪个化合物不属于产物( )。

与亲双烯体进行d-a反应时,下列化合物中反应活性最大的双烯体是( )。

2-甲基-1,3-戊二烯与hbr加成的主要产物是( )。






叔醇与lucas试剂发生反应生成卤代烃,其反应机理是( )。

下列化合物与lucas试剂发生取代反应活性最大的是( )。

下列哪种试剂不能将伯醇氧化到更高氧化态( )。

下列化合物酸性最强的是( )。

下列醇在酸催化下发生消除反应活性最强的是( )。







下列化合物可被tollens试剂氧化的是。( )

下列化合物羰基碳原子亲核性最强的是( )。

下列化合物可发生碘仿反应的是( )。

下列化合物中,α-h酸性最强的是( )。






下列化合物,熔点最低的是( )。

下列化合物,酸性由强到弱的顺序是( )。

下列化合物受热最难脱羧的是( )。

下列酯在碱性条件下水解速率最快的是( )。

下列羧酸及其衍生物发生亲核取代反应活性最高的是( )。






下列含氮化合物具有明显碱性的是( )。

下列化合物酸性最强的是( )。

下列化合物碱性最强的是( )。

下列化合物pka最大的是( )。

下列化合物的共轭碱最稳定的是( )。











某一氨基酸等电点为9.8,在溶液ph为7的环境中,外加电场时,该氨基酸粒子应( )。

在ph=6的缓冲溶液中,赖氨酸(pi=9.74)的主要存在形式是( )。

下列化合物能发生双缩脲反应的是( )。

下列有关中性氨基酸的说确的是( )。

蛋白质的一级结构是指( )。






下列化合物不能成脎的是( )。

果糖属酮糖,但能被tollens试剂氧化,是因为( )。

下列化合物中能还原fehling试剂的是( )。

下列化合物溶于水有变旋现象的是( )。

下列多糖中,与碘不发生颜色反应的是( )。






影响文化的交流和排斥的因素没有( )

远古时期,不同民族土壤中生长出来的文化幼芽会沿着有利于本民族的生存、发展的方向发展成熟,这是文化的( )















弥生时代大约是公元前300年到公元( )年。




唐陆羽写有( ),写成于760年前后。辑录了茶树的种类、加工方法、煮茶工具、饮茶器具及与茶相关的故事诗文等。总结饮茶风俗,提出用于煮茶的水应以(“山泉为上、江水其次、井水为下。”)

20世纪初,日本文化学者( )写有《说茶》,向西方世界介绍日本茶道及其包含的东方文化精神。

日本入宋僧荣西带回茶种,开始在日本种植茶树,并写有《吃茶养生记》 ,被称为日本的茶祖。



景教是天主教异端支派聂斯托里教在的名称。《大秦景教流行碑》发掘于明天启5年,即( )年。

撰写关于情况《远东游记》是传教士( )。





1405年到1433年之间,郑和( )率领200多艘海船、2万多名士兵和船员组成庞大船队,出海远航,访问了西太平洋和( )上的30多个和地区,加深了同东南亚、东非的友好关系。其船队规模之大、航海技术之先进、航行之远、走访之多都堪称空前,在当时世界无能及。 "

葡萄牙、西班牙是沿着新航路来到亚洲的先锋。( ),葡萄牙人在印度果阿建立了第一个东方殖民基地,1511年,占领印度洋进入太平洋的咽喉马六甲海峡,驱逐苏丹国王,占领马六甲城。

澳门是位于珠江三角洲口的一个海湾,原名蠔镜澳、濠镜澳、壕镜,因属于广东香山县,又称香山澳,由于其南面水域有四个小岛组成的十字水路,故又称十字门。1535年,市舶司由高州电白县移至壕镜澳,后简称澳门。( )正式为葡萄牙租借居住,战争后渐渐成为葡萄牙的殖民地。


耶稣会来到远东传教的先驱人物有范礼安(1538-1606)、 罗明坚(1543-1607)、利玛窦(1552—1610),他们都是 ( )人。

日本天主教传播的最早开拓者是( )。

耶稣会成立于1534年,面对改革和新教的成立,他们希望维护旧教,巩固罗马教皇的权威,与中世纪 的天主教各修会相比,他们把主要任务放在兴办教育与( )两点上。他们在欧洲及后来在亚洲,兴办了许多大学,培养出在神学、数学、哲学等方面不少优秀的人才。它的传教方针是“失之欧洲,补之东方”,向海外传 教,到东方去进行“精神的狩猎”,开拓新的教区。




丝绸外传主要以( )为主。

弥生时代大约是公元前300年到公元( )年。

以下不是河西四郡的是( )

张骞第一次通西域的具体时间( )






弥生时代大约是公元前300年到公元( )年。 "

20世纪初,日本文化学者( )写有《说茶》,向西方世界介绍日本茶道及其包含的东方文化精神。

撰写关于情况《远东游记》是传教士( )。

澳门是位于珠江三角洲口的一个海湾,原名蠔镜澳、濠镜澳、壕镜,因属于广东香山县,又称香山澳,由于其南面水域有四个小岛组成的十字水路,故又称十字门。1535年,市舶司由高州电白县移至壕镜澳,后简称澳门。( )正式为葡萄牙租借居住,战争后渐渐成为葡萄牙的殖民地。

提出“排佛合儒”的传教士是( )。






in the 19th century america, romantici had certain general characteristics. choose such characteristics from the following items.

washington irving’s first book appeared in 1809, entitled ______.

washington irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is the sketch book, of which the most famous and anthologized are ______ and “the legend of sleepy hollow”.

irving’s taste was essentially conservative. this social conservati and literary preference for the past is revealed, to some extent, in his famous story “_____”.

the romantic period, one of the most important periods in the history of american literature, stretches from the end of the _____ century to the outbreak of the _____.

romantici started with the publication of washington irving’s ______ and ended with whitman’s leaves of grass.

james fenimore cooper’s novel ___ is the first to reveal the west and native americans’ life in a passionate way.

the spy was written by james fenimore cooper in 1821. it is a novel about ________.

________ contributed two of the great stock figures of american mythology: the daring frontieran and the bold indian.

the desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of american literature, evident in _______.

in the early nineteenth century, the attitude of american writers was shaped by their new world environment and an array of ideas inherited from the romantic tradition of europe.

the early american romanticists gave emphasis to emotion and nature; some of them sang of liberty and national independence and wrote in defense of negro slaves and indians.

washington irving was the second great belletrist, writing always for pleasure, and to produce pleasure.

romantic values were prominent in american politics, art and philosophy until the independent war.

the foundation of american national literature was laid by the early american romanticists.

cooper launched two kinds of immensely popular stories: the sea adventure tale, and the gothic stories.

with a vast group of supporting characters, virtuous or villainous, cooper made the american conscious of his past, and made the european conscious of america.

cooper’s claim to greatness in american literature lies in the fact that he created a myth about the formative period of the american nation.

leatherstocking tales is a novel best-known for the frontier period.

james fenimore cooper is a famous novelist of american reali.

in hawthorne’s the scarlet letter, “a” may stand for ___.

___ literary world turns out to be a most disturbed, tormented and problematical one, which has much to do with the “black” vision of life and human beings.

which of the works concerns most concentratedly the calvinistic view of original sin?

which of the following is not a work of nathaniel hawthorne’s?

in hawthorne’s novels and short stories, intellectuals usually appear as ___.

the finest example of hawthorne’s symboli is the recreation of puritan boston in ___.

statement “___” is wrong in describing hawthorne.

by brown in young goodman brown, hawthorne means he is a(n) ___.

which of the following is not a typical feature of hawthorne’s young goodman brown?

poe was a great genius, and he was well recognized in his own day.

poe felt that poetry should teach.

poe preferred to write about normal love.

poe turned out the earliest american detective fiction and science fiction.

poe is generally regarded as a pioneering aesthetician, psychological investigator, literary technician and his influence on american literary circles can never be overrated.

nathaniel hawthorne welcomed the transcendentalists’ transparent optimi about the potentialities of human nature.

hawthorne believed that romance was the predestined form of american narrative. he took a great interest in his contemporary society.

hawthorne had a positive attitude toward science.

allegory is used to hold fast against the crushing blows of reality, and symboli serves as a weapon to attack and penetrate it.

in almost every book he wrote, hawthorne discussed sin and evil.

choose one question from 1 - 3 and one from 4 - 6 and give brief answers in english: washington irving what is the historical and socio-cultural background of the romantic period in america? what are the literary characteristics in the works of american romantic period? what is the theme of rip van winkle? list the major works of washington irving and discuss the artistic characteristics of his works. james fenimore cooper what are the artistic achievements of james fenimore cooper? what are cooper’s major works and what is “frontier novel”? what are the characteristics of cooper’s writing techniques?

choose two of the following questions and give brief answers in english. nathaniel hawthorne 1. give some different explanations of the symbolic meaning of “a” in the scarlet letter by hawthorne. 2. discuss the allegory and symboli in young goodman brown. 3. analyze the effects of puritani on nathaniel hawthorne. 4. what’s nathaniel hawthorne’s “black” vision of life and human beings? 5. what are the artistic achievements of edgar allan poe?

explain the term: transcendentali

which essay of emerson is regarded as an unofficial manifesto for the “transcendental club”?

emerson based his religion on an intuitive belief in an ultimate unity, which he called _____.

the following are correct for transcendentali except _____.

“the universe is composed of nature and the soul… spirit is present everywhere”. this is the voice of the book nature written by emerson, which pushed american romantici into a new phase, the phase of new england _____.

which is generally regarded as the bible of new england transcendentali?

which is regarded as the “declaration of intellectual independence”?

which of the following is not thoreau’s works?

thoreau took an unpopular stand by announcing his support for radical abolitionist leader john brown, and his firm stance on the execution of john brown was most explicit in his ____.

thoreau lived alone in walden pond from july 1845 to september 1847, depending on his own mental and physical resources. according to that experience, he wrote ____.

during a journey thoreau made to concord in july of 1846, thoreau was put in the jail for one night for refusing to pay a poll-tax of $2.00 to the government. this experience inspired him to write his famous essay ____, advocating nonviolent struggle against social injustice.

american romantici entered a new phase around the middle 1830s and culminated around the 1840s in what has come to be known as “new england transcendentali” or “american renaissance” (1836-1855).

like romantici, transcendentali rejected both 18th century rationali and established religion, which for the transcendentalists meant the puritan tradition in particular.

the transcendentalists celebrated the power of the human imagination to commune with the universe and transcend the limitations of the material world. they found their chief source of inspiration in nature.

with the publication of nature and of emerson’s “the american scholar” in 1837, american literature began to enter its formative period of an indigenous national literature, with liberal and nationalistic, among others, as its most distinct features.

emerson’s reputation fell in the 21st century mainly because he possesses a cheerful optimi.

the term “transcendental” was derived from the latin verb “transcendere”, which means to raise up, to pass beyond the limits.

transcendentali is also indebted to ancient indian and chinese works, such as confucius and mencius.

transcendentali is always been accused of being over-pessimistic, near to mystici, without support in reality.

emerson’s aesthetics brought about a revolution in american literature in general and in american poetry in particular. it marked birth of true american poetry and true american poets.

emerson possesses a cheerful optimi. he believes that there is force that can make the bad good and the good better. angels must always be stronger than demons.

which of the following had influence on melville’s writing?

____ is not melville’s work.

____ is the narrator in moby-dick.

____ is regarded as the first american prose epic.

____, the tragic hero of moby-dick, burning with a baleful fire, becomes evil himself in his thirst to destroy evil.

melville’s ____ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc. in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry.

the white whale moby dick is a symbol of ____.

in following poets, who is considered as the most popular poet in the 19th century america?

longfellow’s epic _____ is based on the american indian tales.

in _____, longfellow shows a passionate recalling of his youth.

though walt whitman and herman melville were romantic writers in theme and technique, they differ from each other in a variety of ways.

romantic values were prominent in american politics, art, and philosophy until the first world war.

moby-dick is melville’s semi-autobiographical novel.

melville obviously holds a positive and optimistic view toward life and human nature.

the romantic writers would focus on inidual feelings and strong imagination.

longfellow gets a great praise from the critics of the 20th century.

longfellow’s poems have influenced america’s artistic and popular culture greatly and strongly.

longfellow was once teaching in bowdoin college and harvard.

longfellow’s inner feelings is always as optimistic as his poems.

today many lines of longfellow’s poems are often quoted by speakers who know longfellow penned the words.

in _____, whitman’s own early experience might be identified with the childhood of a young growing america.

walt whitman wrote his poetry in an unconventional way which is now called free verse, that is _____.

whitman published his first edition of ______ in 1855.  

“i hear america singing” was written by ____.

whitman is radically innovative in term of form of his poetry. what he prefers for his new subjects and new feelings is _____.

by means of “free verse,” _____ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.

which one is not written by walt whitman?

emily dickinson was considered as one of two giants of american poetry in _____ century.

what does “setting sun” symbolize in the poem of “because i could not stop for death”?

which of the following is not the recurring theme in dickinson’s poetry?

walt whitman used paralleli and refrain in his poems.

in “o captain! my captain!”, walt whitman used symbols.

whitman brought the hard-working farmers and laborers into american literature. he attacked the slavery system and racial discrimination.

whitman’s poetry is filled with pessimistic views about new things and new epoch.

whitman’s writings were also influenced by his experiences in the american civil war.

most of emily dickinson’s poems were published when she was alive.

emily dickinson’s poetry is well-known for her thought-provoking themes and innovative use of form and syntax.

emily dickinson’s nature poems are rich in subject matter.

emily dickinson made no final acceptance or rejection on the question of religious belief throughout her life.

emily dickinson began her period of reclusion in the early 1860s.

with  james howells and mark twain active on the scene, ______ became the major trend in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century. 

the portrait of a lady is generally considered to be the masterpiece of _____, which describes the life journey of an american _____ in europe. 

_____ is the forerunner of the “stream of consciousness”.

which of the following is written by henry james?

_____ in the 1860s was the first american writer of local color to achieve wide popularity.

mark twain created, in _____, a masterpiece of american reali that is also one of the great books of world literature.

_____ is regarded by h. l. menken as “the true father of american national literature.”

_____, being a boy’s book specially written for the s, is mark twain’s most representative book.

_____ earned his very first national literary reputation with “the celebrated jumping frog of calaveras county”.

with the end of civil war, ____ replaced romantici to be the leading trend of american literature in the 19th century.

according to henry james, the aim of the novel is to reflect the reality. 

henry james was not only a realist before the first world war, but also a stylist of his time. 

henry james’ influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed.

shortly before his death in 1945,henry james joined the communist party.

henry james was strongly influenced by social darwini.

the american realists sought to describe the wide range of american experience and to present the subtleties of human personality.

mark twain had, as his aim of writing, the soul, the life, and the speech of the people in mind.

mark twain’s later works unmistakably showed his change from an optimist and humorist to an almost despairing determinist.

the bulk of america’s literary reali was limited to optimistic treatment of the surface of life.

mark twain’s last writings revealed the deep grief his personal losses had caused him and reflected the deep cynici and disillusionment with his world.

choose one question from 1-3 and one from 4-6 and give brief answers in english: henry james what is the most famous theme in henry james’s fiction? henry james’s “the art of fiction” is an indispensable part of his contribution to literature. please summarize his view in literary critici?  what is the difference between reali and psychological reali? mark twain in the the adventures of huckleberry finn, huck finn is a thirteen-year-old boy. why does mark twain use a child as the center of consciousness in this book? what are the contributions mark twain made to american literature? what is colloquiali and how is it shown in mark twain’s works?

in 19th century america, romantici had certain general characteristics. choose such characteristics from the following items.

within dickinson’s little lyrics, she addresses those issues that concern the whole human beings, which exclude ________.

washington irving’s works are numerous, but his most successful work is the sketch book, of which the most famous and anthologized are ______ and “the legend of sleepy hollow”.

as a philosophical and literary movement, ______ flourished in new england from the 1830s to the civil war.

the desire for an escape from society and a return to nature became a permanent convention of american literature, evident in _______.

statement “___” is wrong in describing hawthorne.

which essay of emerson is regarded as an unofficial manifesto for the “transcendental club”?

melville’s ____ is an encyclopedia of everything, history, philosophy, religion, etc. in addition to a detailed account of the operations of the whaling industry.

by means of “free verse,” _______ believes that he has turned the poem into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play.

what does “setting sun” symbolize in the poem of “because i could not stop for death”?

the realistic period is referred to as “the gilded age” by ______.

with howells, james, and mark twain active on the scene, ______ became the major trend in the seventies and eighties of the 19th century. 

_______, being a boy’s book specially written for the s, is mark twain’s most representative book.

________ is a humorous tale of a lazy villager in the mountains of upstate new york.

which of the following is not a work of emily dickinson’s?

the great transcendental work written by henry david thoreau is______.

james fenimore cooper is a famous novelist of american reali.

poe preferred to write about normal love.

in almost every book he wrote, hawthorne discussed sin and evil.

like romantici, transcendentali rejected both 18th century rationali and established religion, which for the transcendentalists meant the puritan tradition in particular.

moby-dick is melville’s semi-autobiographical novel.

the romantic writers would focus on inidual feelings and strong imagination.

whitman’ s poetry is filled with pessimistic views about new things and new epoch.

henry james’ influence was exerted not on his own age but on the one that followed.

o. henry’s “the gift of the magi” is a very moving story of a young couple who sell their best possessions in order to get money for a christmas present for each other.

mark twain is usually called: " the true father of our national literature" by some american critics.

the ______ period of american literature started with the publication of washington irving’s the sketch book, reached its height with melville’s works, and ended with whitman’s leaves of grass.

_____tells a simple but very moving story in which four people living in a puritan community are involved in and affected by the sin of ery in different ways.

after death, _____ became the only american poet who was honored with a bust in the poet’s corner.

in his cluster of poems called ______ walt whitman gave america its first genuine epic poem.

the american transcendentalists highlighted spirits, or the _____, as the most important thing in the universe, which was an all-pervading power for goodness, omnipresent and omnipotent.

as one of america’s first and foremost realists and humorists, _______, the pen name of samuel langhorne clemens, usually wrote about his own personal experiences and things he knew about from firsthand experiences.

thoreau was often alone in the woods or by the pond, lost in spiritual communication with ______.

______ was the first american to achieve an international literary reputation after the revolutionary war.

the period from 1865—1914 has been referred to as the age of _______in the literary history of the united states.

in walt whitman’s “there was a child went forth”, the child refers to ___________.

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