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613 人参与  2023-09-22 20:02:43  分类 :智慧树习题

给定向量与向量, 计算___________.

给定向量与向量, 计算内积__________.

给定向量, 则________, 与方向相同的单位向量_______

给定向量与向量, 这两个向量的夹角余弦_________.

给定向量与向量, 与这两个向量都正交的向量为______.


给定平面内两个点a(1, 1),b(2, 3),那么以a为始点、b为终点的向量为_________.

给定两个二维向量与, 试问: 以这两个向量为边所确定三角形的面积是______.




以下是线性方程组的增广矩阵,他们所对应的线性方程组中, 无解的是_____

以下是线性方程组的增广矩阵,他们所对应的线性方程组中, 有唯一解的是______

设矩阵, 向量. 则乘积_______.


给定非齐次线性方程组的两个不同解为 与,则以下说确的是

向量组,,的秩为_______, 它是______的向量组.


设矩阵的秩r(a) = n,则以下选项一定正确的是______。


设与为两个n维向量组,且二者的秩均为 r,则______.


给定矩阵a,b,x满足ax = b,其中,,则其中x应为____矩阵,且x的第一列应满足___________.


矩阵,作为一个数表,它可以表示: 线性方程组 ‚图像 ƒ向量组 „关系 …线性变换 中的 __________.

给定矩阵,, 则__________.


给定矩阵运算: 不能乘 ‚ ƒ „ 则其中正确的运算或说法是__________.





1.已知方阵,方阵多项式为( ).

2.二阶行列式 =( ).

3.下三角形行列式 =( ).

4.已知三阶行列式,则元素的代数余子式为( ).

5.三阶行列式=( ).

6.方阵的逆矩阵为( ).

7. 方阵的逆矩阵为( ).

8.已知, ,且,则为( ).

9.与向量正交的单位向量为( ).

10.已知矩阵,则( ).

11.已知矩阵,则( ).

12.已知矩阵 ,则( ).

设、为阶方阵,则下列选项正确的是( ).

矩阵为为三阶方阵,若,则三元线性方程组解的情况为( )

设向量组,无论他是线性相关还是线性无关, 则下列向量组一定线性相关的是( ).

齐次线性方程组仅有零解,则应满足的条件是( ).

若阶方阵满足,则有结论( ).

设是三阶矩阵,若,则( ).

非齐次线性方程组中系数矩阵为一个矩阵,且秩为,则关于方程组,以下结论正确的是( ).

设三阶矩阵满足条件 ,, 则矩阵为 ( ).

二次型的矩阵为( ).

与向量正交的单位向量是( ).


向量组,,线性________(填相关或无关) .


式子是一个________.(填 数 或 三阶矩阵)


求以下线性方程组的通解 , 并写出相应齐次线性方程组的基础解系。







医学模拟运行总体流程包括,模拟课程简介、情景案例简介、模拟案例演练和观摩、( )和课程总结。







肺栓塞的主要症状为( ),以及胸痛、咳嗽和dvt的症状。







颅高压头痛常伴有血压升高 、( ) 、视水肿表现。

gcs评分包括:睁眼反应、言语反应 、( )三个部分






诊断肠系膜动脉栓塞的金标准是腹部( )

消化道穿孔患者的典型立位腹部平片征象是( )






休克的分类主要可以分为分布性休克、( )休克、低血容量休克和阻塞性休克。

休克常见的临床表现通常有( )、心动过速、呼吸快、少尿、精神状态异常、皮温低、代谢性酸中毒、高乳酸血症等。







对创伤患者进行呼吸评估的过程中需警惕并快速识别的紧急情况有( ),心包填塞,大量血胸.

创伤初始评估中常规需要拍摄的床边平片为胸片,( )。

患者,男性,56岁,因“口服甲胺磷半瓶1小时入院”,入院时查体:神志不清,呼之不应,两瞳孔直径5mm,对光反应迟钝,两肺遍及湿啰音,心率59次/分,律齐,腹软,全身潮湿。入院后予心电监护,静脉通路开通等治疗,心电监护数据 bp 90/52mmhg,spo2 85%,hr59次/分,接下来你认为最重要的措施是




一般建议在服毒后 1h内洗胃,但对某些毒物或有胃排空障碍的中毒患者也可延长至 4~6h。

有机磷中毒机制是有机磷农药能抑制( ),使其丧失分解乙酰胆碱的能力,从而引起毒蕈碱、烟碱样和中枢神经系统症状。






每日出血量在( )以上,粪便隐血试验阳性

通常出血部位在( )以上可表现黑便兼有呕血。




患者,男性,56岁,因“口服甲胺磷半瓶1小时入院”,入院时查体:神志不清,呼之不应,两瞳孔直径5mm,对光反应迟钝,两肺遍及湿啰音,心率59次/分,律齐,腹软,全身潮湿。入院后予心电监护,静脉通路开通等治疗,心电监护数据 bp 90/52mmhg,spo2 85%,hr59次/分,你认为有效的治疗药物是:












休克主要可以分为分布性休克、( )休克、低容量休克和阻塞性休克。

消化道穿孔患者的典型立位腹部平片征象是( )

诊断肠系膜动脉栓塞的金标准是腹部( )

有机磷中毒机制是有机磷农药能抑制胆碱酯酶,使其丧失分解( )的能力,从而引起毒蕈碱、烟碱样和中枢神经系统症状。

gcs评分包括:( )、言语反应 、运动反应三个部分。

the closer the reading distance, the higher the probability of myopia.

the following methods that are not objective refraction are( )

visual acuity decreasing is myopia

where is the external parallel light focused after passing through the myopic eye?

for people who read more than 2 hours at close range, the probability of myopia will increase ( ) times.

factors affecting myopia include( )

if parents are myopic, the probability of a child ’s myopia increases ( ) times.

the main testing items to determine whether or not myopia and verify the progress of myopia is/are ( )‍

children and adolescents should be reviewed every ( )

people with poor best corrected visual acuity should be reviewed ( )

which of the following is/are (a) fundus lesion of pathological myopia?

precautions for myopia include( )

the higher the degree of myopia, the bigger the blurred spots of parallel rays focused on the retina.

myopia will definitely cause fundus lesions.

people who inherit susceptibility genes will definitely be myopic.

reading posture has nothing to do with the occurrence of myopia.

the longer a child ’s weekly outdoor activities, the lower the risk of myopia.

vision loss is not necessarily myopia.

corneal curvature is an important indicator for predicting whether and how long myopia will occur in children.

the result of mydriatic optometry is the final prescription.

which of the following is not a method for correcting myopia?

which of the following is not a basic parameter for contact lens fitting?

spectacle lenses and contact lenses are optical lenses.

orthokeratology is a ( ) method to reduce myopia.

which of the following is not corneal refractive surgery?

refractive surgery can not fundamentally eliminate myopia.

which of the following is not spectacles?

in the lens selection, which one is first recommended ( )

myopic lens is ( )

soft lens evaluation includes ( )

which of the following is not an indication for contact lenses?

compared with the spectacles, the visual field of wearing a contact lens is ( )

the name of corneal shaping lens is( )

the orthokeratology flattens the cornea, changing the( )of light entering the eye and focusing the light on the retina.

myopia patients with myopia below ( ) diopters have the best effect of myopia correction with orthokeratology.

which of the following is a routine examination before refractive surgery ()

which of the following situations can be considered for refractive surgery?

what is the characteristic of lasek surgery?

spectacle prescription includes ( )

when is the follow-up time after wearing ok?

refractive surgery includes ( )

the result of auto refraction can be used directly as prescription for optician.

it is recommended to fully correct according to the results of refraction.

compared with undercorrection, full correction has slower progress of myopia.

the prescription of the spectacle and contact lens of the same patient is the same.

contact lenses belong to class-iii medical devices of medical devices in medicine.

orthokeratology can temporarily prevent myopia and improve uncorrected visual acuity, and it can effectively control the growth of myopia in children and adolescents.

the effect of orthokeratology in reducing myopia is temporary.

orthokeratology is suitable for all myopia prevention and control population.

the optical principle of refractive surgery is refractive correction.

refractive surgery is suitable for all myopia prevention and control population.

the myopia diopter exceeding ( ) d is called high myopia

which of the following belongs to the group who are prone to progress myopia?

progressive myopia refers to an increase in myopia greater than ( ) degrees per year

children spend at least ( ) hours outdoors each day can reduce the occurrence of myopia

which of the following is not a risk factor for the myopia development ?

parental myopia makes the probability of myopia in children increase by more than ( ) times.

risk factor of myopia is ( )

the average outdoor lighting is about () times that of ordinary indoor lighting.

( ) is the source power of myopia prevention and control

the following can inhibit the occurrence and development of myopia is ( )

the characteristics of pathological myopia are( )

the following can induce the occurrence of myopia are ( )

myopia is reversible.

in children and adolescents, the earlier myopia happens,the faster the myopia progression.

the higher the concentration of atropine, the better the effect on controlling myopia, but the greater the side effects.

outdoor activities are a protective factor for myopia.

dopamine synthesis and decomposition are affected by light.

myopia is a typical disease which is easily affected by environmental factors.the implementation of the reduction of schoolwork burden is closely related to its development.

myopia is a disease.

the government's macro-control is the decisive factor of myopia prevention and control.

which is myopia screening' mode?

which one we can't see during myopia screening?

combined the result, professional staffs will have professional guide on students.

which one is excluded in terminal for the census data tranission?

myopia prevention and control's content includes( )

during myopia screening, we usually make judgment by ( )

we can not get ( ) using auto-refractor.

popular science propaganda before examination includes( )

professional staffs scan ( ) to identify kids.

which one is excluded in a summary report of myopia to middle and primary school?

we record results of va by ( ) during myopia screening.

standard process of myopia screening includes ( )

myopia screening is visual inspection and initial diagnosis for all children and youths in a region and get total prevalence rate and inidual visual condition,then form archives of eye health.

universal standard of visual chart in our country is national standard logarithmic visual acuity chart.

we need to type in results by manual work during myopia screening.

personal data collection is a collaborative research with education department.

myopia screnning in school is inefficient because less staffs and more subjects.

results will be recorded into information system using network tranission.

we have paper printer and artificial input data during myopia screening.

integrated information system is excluded in procedure of myopia screening.

children with more degree of hypermetropia is easier to be amblyopia.

doctors should adjust working distance during retinoscopy refraction.

the meaning of mpmva is ( )

the aim of fogging is ( )

baby at six months old is about ( )d

refractive diopter is about 0 when they are ( ) years old.

in a view of refractive status, less degree of hypermetropia is easier to get ( )

if we find the reflected light in pupil will move against the light on face,we should place ( ) lens in front of the examined eye

we should use ( ) when have right eye's examination during retinoscopy refraction.

we need to fog to ( ) when monocular mpvma

which is the rank of red, yellow, and green light in the position of the retinal image (front to back)?

during binocular balance you need to fog the va to ( )

children' own physiological characteristics including( )

preparation of subjective refraction including ( )

the aim to the examination is to get refractive status and best corrected visual acuity.

children' refraction examination is the same as s'.

subjects should stare at optotypes when retinoscopy refraction.

working distance is changeable during retinoscopy refraction.

we can't see the skew phenomenon means when the light of retinoscope is parallel to the principal meridian of astigmati.

during red and green test you should ask subjects see red optotypes first.

during fogging, we should add negative sphere to relax accommodation.

during red and green test, if subjects see optotypes on red backgroud clearly,we should add 0.25ds.

how often should an 's optometry follow-up?

which of the following is the most common type of frame glasses?

when selecting the lenses and frames, which of the following should not be considered for patients with high myopia?

glass is preferred for lens material.

which of the following belongs to frame glasses correction?

which of the following situations requires ciliary muscle paralysis when do optometry?

how often should children and adolescents optometry follow-up?

which of the following does not belong to myopia?

which of the following is not suitable for progressive addition lens?

which of the following is the precautions for fitting the progressive addition lens?

which of the following needs to be considered for myopia correaction with frame glasses?

which of the following is not the advantages of resin lenses?

the principle of frame glasses to correct myopia.

which of the following is an advantage of pc lens?

myopia correction is to cure myopia.

optometry prescription is not equal to optician prescription.

children and adolescents' optometry follow-up should be checked every 1 year.

it is recommended that myopia should be corrected fully in clinic.

the lens power of progressive addition glasses is not fixed.

orthokeratology also belongs to frame glasses.

the abbe coefficient of pc lens is high.

the sheet frame has better security than the metal frame.

which of the following is not an advantage of soft contact lenses?

rgp is not a kind of soft contact lens.

how many millimeters the base arc of the soft contact lens is flatter than the curvature of the cornea?

which of the following is the indications for fitting spherical soft lenses?

which of the following is not a kind of contact lens

rgp lens refers to ( ).

the fitting process of rgp lens includes ( ).

rgp lens needs to be worn for ( ) minutes before performing lens fitting assesent and over-refraction.

which of the following is the fitting process of soft contact lenses?

the indications of rgp lens are ( ).

orthokeratology is a kind of soft contact lens.

the curvature of the anterior surface of the cornea can be measured by keratometer.

through the keratometer, the wearer's corneal astigmati and the corneal morphology can be checked.

rgp lens is almost free of water and will not absorb evaporated water from the eyes.

rgp lens wearers do not need regular follow-up.

in the static assesent, steep fit refers to the fluorescein staining pattern with center of the lens being black and the peripheral area being yellow-green.

the software fitting system guided by corneal topography has a lower failure rate than the trial lens system.

orthokeratology lens cannot effectively control the growth of the eye axis.

the diameter of the trial lens can be obtained by measuring the horizontal visible iris diameter of cornea with ( ).

generally speaking, the total diameter of the trial lens is ( ) mm aller than hvid.

for ok lens wearers, the growth of the eye axis is ( ) related to the initial age.

orthokeratology lens can effectively control the growth of eye axis, with different studies expressing an effect of ( ) to 60%.

myopia is corrected with ( ).

the occurrence of central island during orthokeratology lens fitting is due to ( ) pressure in the base curve area of the lens.

the common adverse reactions of orthokeratology lens wearing include ( ).

the main methods for fitting orthokeratology lens are ( ).

which factors will affect the effectiveness of orthokeratology lens on myopia control?

no need to sign an informed consent form with the wearers and their family before fitting the orthokeratology lens.

the software fitting system guided by corneal topography takes a longer time for fitting than the trial lens system.

when fitting orthokeratology, the flat k of the corneal topography is preferred as the alignment curve of the first trial lens.

the shorter is the axial length, the greater is the probability of future retinal detachment or macular degeneration.

so far, the mechani of orthokeratology lens on myopia control is still unclear.

the overcorrection of visual acuity refers to insufficient corneal flattening, which limits the improvement of uncorrected visual acuity and needs to wear frame spectacles as a supplement during the day.

the cornea has a certain extend of self-healing function.

the contact lens wearers can continue to wear the lens for 1 month before going to the doctors when unusual situation happens.

current researches show that the use of atropine does not cause light damage to the retina and optic nerve.

atropine needs professional inspection and monitoring only before the use.

the study showed that the efficiency of slowing axial elongation with 0.01% low-concentration atropine combined with orthokeratology was ( ) compared with that of only orthokeratology.

cfda has approved 0.01% low-concentration atropine to carry out clinical trials of drugs in ( )

using atropine to control myopic progression needs rugular follow-up at every ( ) month.

when using atropine eye drops,keep the bottle at a distance of ( )cm from the eyeball.

the symptom after atropine use includes ( ).

the influence factors of atropine on myopia congtrol include ( )

atropine can relieve the spa ooth muscle.

the specific mechani of atropine on myopia control has been clarified.

atropine is not effective for all children.

if myopia was still progressing quickly for a period of time of using at the beginning,then could consider to increase atropine concentration up to 0.05%.

atropine cannot combine with outdoor activities on myopia control.

when using atropine drops,bottle caps should be placed face down to avoid being exposed to bacteria.

when using atropine drops,squeeze out the first eye drops before using.

when using atropine drops,the bottle can touch the eye and eyelashes.

tprk is very suitable for patients who need strenuous exercise

( ) is preferred for patients with high myopia above 10d.

phakic intraocular lens implantation do not retain accommodation function.

in ( ),american mcdonald corrected myopia by excimer laser ,the prk was born.

( ) changed the way of removing the epithelium with traditional mechanical knife or alcohol,excimer laser is used for epithelial removal and stromal cutting throughout,which make surgery more accurate and safe.

the vision recovery of ( ) is slowest in the three types of mainstream surgery.

generally we think that the postoperative safety and efficacy index of ( ) is a normal range.

the patients with high myopia before surgery needs to pay special attention to a fundus examination after surgery.

corneal refractive surgery is mainly for s over ( ) years of age.

( ) is the preferred treatment for high myopia patients with cataracts.

( )'s correction range is the widest of current surgical methods.

the positions of atrificial lens include ( )

fs-lasik is a type of lamellar surgery.

tprk is a type of lamellar surgery.

safety index refers to the ratio of average postoperative bcva to preoperative average bcva.

refractive surgery is suitable for all myopia groups.

refractive surgery can eliminate the root cause of myopia

aphakic intraocular lens implantation still keeps accommodation function.

refractive lens exchange,rle for short.

one of piol's biggest adcantages is relative reversibility.

comparing myopia and emmetropia, myopia ( )

( ) belongs to pure myopia lens

which of the following is not a feature of contact lenses?

which of the following is a contraindication to refractive surgery ( )

the current research believes that ( ) atropine has less side effects than other high concentrations and has better control of myopia

the summary report to students'parents includes ( )

what is the core ofinformation system?

which one is not the aim of refractive examination?

( ) means it's astigmatic

the change of the spherical mirror is ( )

which of the following is not a method for myopia correction?

which of the following is not a disadvantage of glass lenses?

which of the following is not an advantage of glass lenses?

in the static assesent,a fluorescein staining pattern with ( ) area being black and ( ) area being yellow-green is observed as flat fit.

it is necessary to monitor ( )

( ) is suitable for patients with thin cornea

factors of myopia include ( )

the complete steps of refraction include ( )

special inspections in the process of fitting contact lenses include ( )

what is myopia screening' characteristic?

standard process of myopia screening includes ( )

results of retinoscopy refraction usually includes ( )

which of the following is an advantage of glass lenses?

the design of orthokeratology lens includes ( )

what are the adverse reactions after topical application of atropine?

what can be done for the patients with dry eye symptoms?

myopia screening includes visual inspection in hospital.

myopia screening is the core of this information system.

contact lenses belong to the second category of medical devices.

atropine is effective for all children.

refractive surgery is not suitable for all minors.

标志不仅包括外在的形式,还有一定的(      )意义


下列关于商标表述不正确的是(      )

标志被赋予的内容以下选项正确的是(     )

































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